Monday, October 31, 2011

A Different Approach Needed for Malpractice Reform

The 109th Congress took as 1 of its favorite causes the issue of tort reform, passing legislation that severely limited an injured party’s proper to sue and collect damages, and there is an ongoing debate on further restrictions on the capacity of many people to sue. One thing that is brought up repeatedly is medical malpractice insurance. The rates have skyrocketed, and the Bush administration and former Republican majority in Congress have blamed lawsuits for the rise.

Lawsuits do have an impact on medical malpractice insurance rates. But what Bush and his Republican friends don’t mention is that lawsuits have had only a comparatively tiny effect on the expense of insurance. For the real blame, 1 has to look elsewhere.

Insurance organisations rake in billions of dollars a year from their shoppers, and then take the income and invest it. When the Enron debacle and other financial scandals hit Wall Street beginning in 2001, insurance suppliers had been invested heavily in the stock market and when the stock marketplace took a dive, the insurance providers took a bath. Up went insurance rates on just about everything.

I do believe that lawsuits can get out of hand, and that exorbitant damages are occasionally awarded. But rather than restricting access to the courts or putting a mandatory cap on damages, why not take a deeper appear?

Some consumers are motivated to sue merely for monetary acquire, but, particularly with medical malpractice circumstances, [] others want justice, and to blow the whistle on incompetent or careless physicians. Too quite often a monetary settlement will occur and then the physician will go proper back to practicing medicine, with no consequences, and with the details of the case buried beneath a nondisclosure agreement.

I’m convinced that a number of injured parties would be more most likely to accept reasonable settlements if they knew that action would be taken against an incompetent physician. Why not tie tort reform, especially as regards medical malpractice, to an investigation that takes a great difficult governmental appear at the care and competency of the physicians and other practitioners involved? Why not outlaw nondisclosure agreements when it entails some kind of private injury? Right after all, the public’s perfect to know is surely vital on the issue of medical malpractice.

The Congress really should also look at the possibility of banning unnecessary delaying tactics utilized to wear down plaintiffs. These tactics quite often drag out a lawsuit for years and serve to cause the plaintiffs to give up. If the possibility of sanctions and stiff fines went along with this practice, it might end.

Option ways for plaintiffs in malpractice circumstances to seek justice and get equitable settlements may cut down considerably on each the frequency and price of lawsuits.

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